Pia Rendic Therapy and Training Services
Pia Rendic is an experienced Sexual therapist focusing in the areas of sex and porn addiction, sexual abuse and healthy relationships and intimacy.
I am passionate about providing a safe space for my clients to explore their mental, physical and emotional well-being. My approach is holistic, considering the mind and body connection and the individual’s family and marriage dynamics. I specialize in therapy for sex and porn addiction, infidelity, healthy sexuality, and sexual well-being. I provide my services online. I am currently based in the St. Gallen canton in Switzerland.
Read my personal interview in Finland's most read women's magazine:
PhD researcher and Trainer
Pia Rendic is an experienced researcher and trainer in the area of sexual behaviour, sex and porn addiction, and gender based violence.
I am a PhD researcher and trainer. My research and research-based books focuses on sexual behaviour, human trafficking, porn addiction, infidelity and sexual intimacy. My goal is to create evidence-based research to help inform the public, policy makers, and professionals in the field.
I am especially passionate about creating informative resources that support individuals who are struggling with issues such as sex and porn addiction, sexual intimacy, self-esteem, body image, and healthy relationships. My work has been featured in a number of publications and magazines, and I am committed to continuing to make meaningful contributions to the field.
Read my interview related to human trafficking and my research in the popular women's weekly magazine: https://anna.fi/ihmiset-ja-suhteet/pia-rendic-tekee-ihmiskaupan-vastaista-tyota
More info about me in media : https://www.kirjailijapiarendic.fi/media
Pia Rendic has published six books
I am a writer, author, and public speaker whose work focuses on sex and porn addiction, healthy sexuality, sex positivity, gender based violence and the prevention of sexual violence. I have published six books, multiple articles, and columns on these topics. I am committed to educating people on sexual behaviour, human trafficking, pornography, and other forms of exploitation.
Through my writing, I hope to inspire and empower readers to make informed decisions about their sexuality and to stand up against sexual violence. I have dedicated my life to advocating for sexual health, safety, and justice for all.
More information about my books and writings in Finnish www.kirjailijapiarendic.fi
Pia Rendic is a Lutheran Priest
I am an evangelical-lutheran priest. My experience as a priest has provided me with a perspective, which offers a unique blend of spiritual and psychological insights that cater to the holistic well-being of my clients. In the realm of mental health, it's increasingly recognized that spiritual beliefs and practices can play a pivotal role in an individual's healing and personal growth. By understanding the spiritual dimension, I can tap into a deeper layer of my clients' experiences, addressing not just the mind but also the soul and providing a comprehensive approach to healing.
Read the newest newspaper article about my work as a priest and sexual therapist: https://www.keskipohjanmaa.fi/artikkeli/seksi-on-jumalan-meille-antama-lahja-ihmiskauppaa-ja-pornoa-tutkinut-kokkolan-kesapappi-pia-ren
Contact Me
At Pia Rendic therapy, I provide comprehensive therapy for individuals and couples to help them develop better relationships and a happier life. I specialize in sexual therapy and counseling, sex and porn addiction, and sex positivity, as well as sexual intimacy and sexual trauma. I believe in a holistic approach to healing, addressing the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of each individual. My goal is to empower my clients, helping them to create a better and brighter future.
St. Gallen
Email: pia@rendic.fi
Tel: +41 79 636 3456